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Saturday 22 June 2024

NEET UG EXAM 2024 (Question Paper - Botany)

Botany: Section - A (Q. No. 101 to 135) 

102.    A transcription unit in DNA is defined primarily by the three regions in DNA and these are with respect to upstream and down stream end;

        (1)    Inducer, Repressor, Structural gene

        (2)    Promotor, Structural gene, Terminator

        (3)    Repressor, Operator gene, Structural gene

        (4)    Structural gene, Transposons, Operator gene

 103.    The equation of Verhulst-Pearl logistic growth is 

            `\frac{dN}{dt} = r N [ \frac{K - N}{K}]`

        From this equation, K indicates:

        (1)    Carrying capacity

        (2)    Population density

        (3)    Intrinsic rate of natural increase

        (4)    Biotic potential

105.    Inhibition of Succinic dehydrogenase enzyme by malonate is a classical example of:

        (1)    Competitive inhibition

        (2)    Enzyme activation

        (3)    Cofactor inhibition

        (4)    Feedback inhibition

106.    A pink flowered Snapdragon plant was crossed with a red flowered Snapdragon plant. What type of phenotype/s is/are expected in the progeny?

        (1)    Only pink flowered plants

        (2)    Red, Pink as well as white-flowered plants

        (3)    Only red-flowered plants

        (4)     Red-flowered as well as pink-flowered plants

 107.    The type of conservation in which the threatened species are taken out from their natural habitat and placed in special settings where they can be protected and given special care is called;

        (1)    Semi-conservative method

        (2)    Sustainable development

        (3)    in-situ conservation

        (4)    Biodiversity conservation

108.    These are regarded as major causes of biodiversity loss;

        (A)    Overexploitation

        (B)    Co-extinction

        (C)    Mutation

        (D)    Habitat loss and fragmentation

        (E)    Migration

        Choose the correct option:

        (1)    A, B and E only

        (2)    A, B, and D only

        (3)    A, C and D only

        (4)    A, B, C and D only

 110.    Bulliform cells are responsible for 

        (1)    Increased photosynthesis in monocots

        (2)    Providing large spaces for storage of sugras.

        (3)    Inward curling of leaves in monocots.

        (4)    Protecting the plant from salt stress.

112.    Which one of the following is not a criterion for classification of fungi?

        (1)    Mode of spore formation

        (2)    Fruiting body

        (3)    Morphology of mycelium

        (4)    Mode of nutrition

113.    Hind II always cuts DNA molecules at a particular point called recognition sequence and it consists of:

        (1)    4  bp

        (2)    10  bp

        (3)    8  bp

        (4)    6  bp

114.    Suxin is used by gardeners to prepare weed-free lawns. But no damage is caused to grass as auxin

        (1)    does not affect mature monocotyledonous plants.

        (2)    can help in cell division in grasses, to produce growth.

        (3)    promotes apical dominance.

        (4)    promotes abscission of mature leaves only.

116.    Spindle fibers attach to kinetochores of chromosomes during

        (1)    Anaphase

        (2)    Telophase

        (3)    Prophase 

        (4)    Metaphase

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