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Wednesday 5 June 2024

Derivation of Wheatstone Bridge using Kirchhoff's Laws for Class 12

Wheatstone Bridge

    Wheatstone Bridge is an arrangement of four resistors P, Q, R, and S, such that if we know the value of the resistance of any three of them, we can obtain the value of the fourth unknown resistance by using Kirchhoff's law in balance condition of Wheatstone bridge.

    Wheatstone Bridge consists of four resistors P, Q, R, and S in a diamond shape, a voltage source, and a galvanometer to detect the balance condition. Three resistors P, Q, and R are known resistors and the fourth resistor S is an unknown resistor to be measured.

Wheatstone Bridge
Wheatstone Bridge

        Voltage Source: The voltage source provides the input voltage to the Wheatstone bridge circuit.

        Galvanometer: The Galvanometer is used for detecting the balance condition in a Wheatstone bridge.

        Resistors P and Q are in series combination in Wheatstone bridge.

        Resistors R and S are in series combination in Wheatstone bridge.

        We connect the galvanometer between points B and D.

    In loop ABDA by Kirdhhpff's Voltage Law

        `I_1 P + I_g R_g - I_2 R = 0`      ..... eqn (1)

In loop BCDB by Kirchhoff's Voltage Law

        `(I_1 - I_g) Q - (I_2 + I_g) S - I_g R_g = 0`      ..... eqn (2)

    In the balanced condition of the Wheatstone bridge `I_g = 0` then equations 1 and 2 can be written as

From equation (1)

        `I_1 P - I_2 R = 0`

        `I_1 P = I_2 R `           ..... eqn (3)

From equation (2)

        `(I_1 - 0) Q - (I_2 + 0) S - 0 \times R_g = 0`

        `I_1 Q - I_2 S  = 0`

        `I_1 Q = I_2 S `      ..... eqn (4)

Dividing eq. 3 by eq. 4

        `\frac{I_1 P}{I_1 Q} = \frac{I_2 R}{I_2 S}`

        `\frac{ P}{ Q} = \frac{ R}{ S}`

This is the equation of a balanced Wheatstone bridge.

Wheatstone Bridge MCQs

Q.    What is the primary use of a Wheatstone bridge?

(1)  Measuring voltage

(2)  Measuring current

(3)  Measuring unknown resistance 

(4)  Measuring capacitance

Answer:  (3)  Measuring unknown resistance 

Q.      What is the principle behind the operation of a Wheatstone bridge?

(1)  Ohm's Law

(2)  Kirchhoff's Current Law

(3)  Kirchhoff's Vltage Law

(4)  Raraday's Law

Answer:  (3)  Kirchhoff's Vltage Law

Q.      Which component in a Wheatstone bridge is adjusted to achieve balance?

(1)  Known resistor (P, Q)

(2)  Unknown resistor (S)

(3)  Variable resistor (R)

(4)  Voltage source

Answer:  (3)  Variable resistor (R)

Q.      When a Wheatstone bridge is balanced, what is the current through the galvanometer?

(1)  Maximum

(2)  Zero

(3)  Half of the input current

(4)  Equal to the input current

Answer:  (2)  Zero

Q.      What is the formula for the balanced condition of a Wheatstone bridge?

(1)  `\frac{P}{Q} = \frac{R}{S}`

(2)  `\frac{P}{R} = \frac{Q}{S}`

(3)  `\frac{P}{S} = \frac{Q}{R}`

(4)  `\frac{P}{Q} = \frac{S}{R}`

Answer:  (1)  `\frac{P}{Q} = \frac{R}{S}`

Q.      Which of the following is not a component of a basic Wheatstone bridge?

(1)  Galvanometer

(2)  Four resistor

(3)  Transformer

(4)  Voltage source

Answer:  (3)  Transformer

Q.      In a balanced Wheatstone bridge, if P = 100 `\Omega`, Q = 200 `\Omega` and R = 150 `\Omega`, what is unknown resistance S?

(1)  100`\Omega`

(2)  200`\Omega`

(3)  150`\Omega`

(4)  300`\Omega`

Answer:  (4)  300`\Omega`

Related Question 

1. What is the Wheatstone bridge derivation based on?

2. Draw a Wheatstone bridge diagram"

3. What is the principle behind the Wheatstone Bridge?

4. What formula is used to calculate unknown resistance in a Wheatstone bridge?

5. Who proposed the principle of Wheatstone bridge?

6. Why is the Wheatstone bridge formula important in electrical engineering?

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