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Thursday 25 April 2024

Yearly Examination 2023 - 24 Subject - Physics Class 11

Yearly Examination 2023 - 24

Sub - Physics

Class 11 (RBSE)

Time : `3 \frac{1}{4}`   Hrs.                     M.M. : 70


Q.1    Multiple choice question `(16\times\frac{1}{2} = 8)`

(i)    The Kinetic Energy between the molecules of an ideal gas is -

A)  `KE = \frac{3}{2}KT`

B)  `KE = 2KT`

C)  `KE = \frac{1}{2}KT`

D)  `KE = KT`

(ii) The phase angle between displacement and Velocity in Simple harmonic motion will be -

A)  `\frac {\pi}{2}`

B)  `\pi`

C)  `2 \pi`

D)  `\frac {3\pi}{4}`

(iii)    The mean free path of the molecular of a gas is proportional to -

A)  Pressure

B)  Temperature

C)  Volume

D)  Density

(iv)    Value of Restoring force by Hook's law will be -

A)  F = - kx

B)  F = kx

C)  F = - x

D)  F = - k/x

(v)    Mayer's relation is -

A)  `\frac {C_p}{C_v} = R`

B)  `C_p - C_v = R`

C)  `C_v - C_p = R`

D)  `C_v + C_p = R`

(vi)    The moment of Inertia of a Solid Disk about its Geometric axis is 'I' then the moment of Inertia of this disc about its tangential axis will be -

A)  `frac{3}{2} I`

B)  `3  I`

C)  `5  I`

D)  `frac{5}{2} I`

(vii)    In which of the following process the internal energy of the gas will increase -

A)  Adiabatic expansion

B)  Adiabatic Compression

C)  Isothermal Expansion

D)  Isothermal Compression

(viii)    If the distance of the Earth from Sun is one-fourth of the present distance then duration of the year will be -

A)  Half of present

B)  One eight of the present

C)  One fourth of present 

D)  Will remain unchanged

(ix)    Correct relation between angular velocity and linear velocity is -

A)  `v = \omega R`

B)  `\omega = v R`

C)  `v = \frac {R}{\omega}`

D)  None of these

(x)    When moving from the equator to the poles on Earth's surface, then value of 'g' will be -

A)  Decrease

B)  Increase

C)  remain the same

D)  None of these

(xi)  The distance covered by any particle in the nth second when it is moving with acceleration `a` and initial velocity 'u' will be -


A)  `u + \frac {3}{2}a (2n - 1)`

B)  `u + \frac {1}{2}a (2n + 1)`

C)    `u + a (2n - 1)`

D)   `u + \frac {1}{2}a (2n - 1)`

(xii)    Maximum velocity equation of motion of a vehicle on plane circular path is -


A)  `v_{max} = \sqrt{\mu r g}`

B)  `v_{max} = \sqrt{ r g}`

C)  `v_{max} = \mu r g`

D)   None of above

(xiii)    Which physical quantity is represented by the area enclosed by the curve in the velocity-time graph -

A)  Displacement

B)  Velocity

C)  Acceleration 

D)  Force

(xiv)  The maximum value of static friction is called -


A)    Rotational friction

B)    Coefficient of friction

C)    Limiting friction

D)    Limiting coefficient

(xv) The dimensional formula of latent Heat is -

A)    `M^1L^1T^{- 3}`

B)    `M^0L^2T^{- 2}`

C)    `M^1L^1T^{- 1}`

D)    `M^0L^2T^{- 3}`

(xvi)    Value of 1 Joule In C.G.S. system will be -

A)    `10^7` erg

B)    `10^{- 7}` erg

C)    `10^{- 5}` erg

D)    `10^8` erg

Q.2    Fill in the blanks `( 10 \times 1 = 10 )`

(    i   )    The ratio of linear, Areal, and Volume Expansion is ..................

(   ii   )    The value of surface tension, on increasing the temperature is .............

(   iii  )    The formula of rotational Kinetic energy is ..................

(   iv  )    The rate of change of angular momentum of a particle is equal to ................

(    v   )    Zeroth law of thermodynamics defines.............

(   vi  )    Degrees of freedom of Diatomic gas is .............

(  vii  )    Escape velocity for the body of 2 Kg. at the earth's surface is ..........

( viii )    The work done by Centripital force is ................

(   ix  )    Unit of frequency is .............

(    x   )    The formula for the speed of the transverse wave in a stretched string will be ..................

Q.3    Very Short Answer Type Questions ( 8 `\times` 1 = 8 )

(    i   )    What is the value of work done in an Isochoric process?
(   ii   )    According to Laplace's correction, what is the formula for the velocity of sound wage in gas?
(   iii  )    Which physical quantity is conserved in S.H.M.
(   iv  )    What are the essential conditions of Newton's law of Cooling?
(    v   )    Write the relation between escape velocity and orbital velocity.
(   vi  )    Write the formula of the Shear elasticity coefficient.
(  vii  )    A particle moving with uniform velocity, then draw the graph between displacement_time for it.
( viii )    Find the dimension formula of constant a in Van der Waals gas equation `(p + \frac{a}{v^2})(V - b) = RT`


Questions 4-15 Short Answer Type Questions `( 12 \times 2 = 24 )`

Q.4    Write Kepler's second and third law.

Q.5    Draw labeled graph between stress and strain.

Q.6    Write Stoke's law.

Q.7    Explain latent heat.

Q.8    Explain Kelvin-Planck's statement for second law of thermodynamics.

Q.9    A cyclist skids after applying brakes and stops at a distance of 10m. During this process, the force applied by the opposite to its speed. Then how much work was done on the bicycle by the road?

Q.10    Prove the Impulse-ljMomentum theorem.

Q.11    Find angle between two vectors `\vecB = 4 \hat i + 3\hat j + 5 \hat k` and `\vecA = 3 \hat i + 4 \hat j + 5 \hat k`.

Q.12    Two forces of magnitudes 5N and 3N are acting on a particle at an angle `60^{\circ}`. Find the magnitude and direction of the resultant force.

Q.13    A wave travelling along a string is described -

y( x, t ) = 0.005 sin ( 80x - 3t )

        Calculate -    ( i )    The wavelength
                             ( ii )   Time period of wave.

Q.14    Velocities of a particle performing simple harmonic motion, at distance `x_1` and `x_2` from the mean position are `v_1` and `v_2`.

Prove that it's time period is - 

`T = 2\pi \sqrt{frac{x_2^2 - x_1^2}{v_1^2 - v_2^2}}`

Q.15    Write postulate of kinetic theory of gases.


Questions 16-18 Long Answer Type Questions `( 2 \times 3 + 4 = 10 )`

Q.16    Write Newton's law of cooling and derive it. Draw necessary graph.


Explain the three methods (modes) of heat transmission.

Q.17    Obtain an expression for the potential energy, kinetic energy and total energy for a particle executing S.H.M. draw the necessary graph.

( or )

Discuss the motion of a simple pendulum for small angular displacement and drive the formula for its time period. Draw necessary diagrams.


Questions 19 and 20 Essay Answer Type Questions `( 2 \times 5 = 10 )`

Q.19    Establish the formula for frequency of stationary waves in stretched string. Prove that even and odd both harmonic frequency can be produced in streatched string.

( or )

Prove that only odd harmonics are produced in a closed organ pipe, whereas both odd and even harmonics are produced in an open organ pipe.

Q.20    Explain Carnot cycle. In one cycle calculate the total work done and establish the formula of efficiency of the Carnot engine.

( or )

Explain the adiabatic process and Isothermal process. Establish the formula for work done in the adiabatic process.

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