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Monday 12 June 2023

Yearly Examination 2022 - 23 Subject - Physics Class 11

 Yearly Examination 2022 - 23

Sub - Physics

Class 11 (RBSE)

Time : `3 \frac{1}{4}`   Hrs.                     M.M. : 70


Q.1    Multiple choice question `(9\times1 = 9)`

(i)    The range of weakest natural fundamental force is -

A)  `10^{- 16} m`

B)  `10^{+ 16} m`

C)  infinite

D)  `10^{- 10} m`

(ii)    In the absence of external force, the velocity of a system -

A)  Zero

B)  Constant

C)  Increases

D)  decreases

(iii) The ratio of distances traveled by a free-falling object in the first and second seconds of its motion is -

A)  2 : 3

B)  1 : 3

C)  1 : 2

D)  3 : 1

(iv)    Dimensional formula of "Coefficient of Elasticity" is -

A)  `[M^{1}L^{1}T^{-2}]`

B)  `[M^{1}L^{1}T^{1}]`

C)  `[M^{1}L^{-1}T^{-2}]`

D)  `[M^{1}L^{2}T^{-2}]`

(v)    Elastic potential energy stored, per unit volume of a stretched wire is -

A)  stress`\times` strain

B)  `\frac{1}{2}` stress `\times` strain

C)  `\frac{1}{4}` stress `\times` strain

D)  `\frac{3}{4}` stress `\times` strain

(vi)    At what temperature the density of water become maximum?

A)  `0^\circ C`

B)  `8^\circ C`

C)  `2^\circ C`

D)  `4^\circ C`

(vii)    In adiabatic process, relation between Pressure (P) and Volume (V) of an ideal gas is -

A)  `PV^\gamma = Constant`

B)  `PV = Constant`

C)  `\frac{P}{V} = Constant`

D)  `PV^{- \gamma} = Constant`

(viii)    Displacement of a particle performing simple harmonic Motion is `x = 6 Cos \omega t + 8 Sin\omega t` meter. Amplitude of particle in this SHM is -

A)  10 m

B)  2 m

C)  14 m

D)  5 m

(ix)    If the wavelength is `\lamda`, then the distance between two successive nodes of a stationary wave is -

A)  `2\lamda`

B)  `\frac{\lamda}{4}`

C)  `\lamda`

D)  `\frac{\lamda}{2}`


Q.2    Fill in the blanks `(4\times1\frac{1}{2}= 6)`

(i)    Value of 1 Horsepower......... Kilowatt.

(i)    `C_p - C_v = ..........`

(iii)    The first law of thermodynamics is based on principle conservation of .................

(iv)    The average kinetic energy of a Molecule of a gas is .............. to the absolute temperature of the gas.


Q.3    Very Short Answer Type questions. `(8\times1\frac{1}{2}= 12)`

(i)    Define elastic collision.

(ii)    Write the Newton's law of cooling.

(iii)    In a thermodynamic process 200 Joule of heat is given to a system and 50 Joule of work is done by the system. What will be the change internal energy of the system?

(iv)    What will be the ratio of root means square Velocities of Molecules of hydrogen and oxygen at same temperature.

(v)    Write Newton's formula for velocity of sound in a gaseous Medium. What correction was made by Laplace in this formula?

(vi)    Define damped oscillation.

(vii)    What will be the beat frequency if two tuning forks of frequencies 400 Hz and 402 Hz vibrate together. 

(viii)    The average beats of a human heart is 75 times in one Minute. What is its frequency and time period?


Q. (4 to 14)    Short Answer Type questions. `(11\times 2 = 22)`

Q.4    In a relation `x = \frac{a^4   b^{\frac{1}{3}}}{c   d^{\frac{3}{2}}}`, the percentage errors in a, b, c and d are 1%, 3%, 2%, and 4% respectively. Determine the percentage error in x.

Q.5    Find the angle between two equal vectors, if the Magnitude of their resultant vector is equal to the magnitude of each.

Q.6    Write Newton's first and second law of Motion.

Q.7    Angular Momentum of a body is 31.4 Jule-sec and rate of its rotation is 10 cycles per second. Calculate the Moment of Inertia of the body about their axis of rotation.

Q.8    Write Pascal's Law and explain its two applications.

Q.9    State both statements of the second law of thermodynamics. Explain that both statements are the same.

Q.10    Find the average Kinetic energy of a helium atom at temperature `27^\circ`.

Q.11 The Total energy of a simple pendulum is E. Find the kinetic energy and potential energy of the pendulum when the displacement of the pendulum is half of its amplitude.

Q.12    The Force constant of a spring is 200 N/m. A body of Mass `\frac{200}{\pi^2}` kg is hanged with it and then oscillated. Find the time period of oscillations.

Q.13    Write any two differences between longitudinal and transverse waves.

Q.14    Equation of a progressive wave is y = 3.0 Sin(36 t + 0.018 x). Where x, y in cm and t is in second. Find the amplitude-frequency and velocity of the wave.


Q. (15 to 17)    Long Answer Type questions. `(3\times 3 = 9)`

Q.15    Define gravitational acceleration. Describe the formula for change in gravitational acceleration with height from the surface of the earth. Also, draw a necessary diagram.

Q.16    State the following laws for an ideal gas and derive these laws on the basis of the kinetic theory of gases.

        (i)    Boyle's Law            (ii)    Charles's law

Q.17    What do you mean by thermal expansion. Establish the relation between the coefficient of linear expansion `(\alpha)` and the coefficient of volume expansion `(\gamma)`.


Q. (18 to 20)    Essay Type questions. `(3\times 4 = 12)`

Q.18    Define simple pendulum. Establish the formula for time period of a simple pendulum. Draw the necessary diagram.


What is simple harmonic Motion? Velocities of a particle performing simple harmonic Motion, at distances `x_1` and `x_2` from the mean position are `v_1` and `v_2`, respectively. Prove that its time period is `T = 2\pi \sqrt{\frac{x_2^2 - x_1^2}{v_1^2 - v_2^2}}`.

Q.19    Prove that only odd harmonics are produced in a close organ pipe while both odd and even harmonics are produced in an open organ pipe.


What is the Doppler effect? Derive an expression for apparent frequency observed by the listener when -

(i) The source of sound is moving towards the Stationary observer. 

(ii) Observer moving towards the stationary source of the sound.

Q.20    What do you mean by cyclic process? Describe the different working steps of Carnot's heat engine briefly and derive an expression for its efficiency.


What is adiabatic process? Write its necessary conditions. Derive the formula for work done in adiabatic process.

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