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Tuesday 13 June 2023

The Electrostatic Potential of a Uniformly Charged thin Spherical Shell

 Electric Potential

Electric Potential
Electric Potential

    The electric potential at a point is equal to the amount of work done by the external force in bringing the unit positive charge from infinity to that point inside the electric field without changing the kinetic energy. It is denoted by V. It is a scalar quantity.

Electric Potential
Electric Potential

`V = \frac{W}{q_0}`


W = Work done 

`q_0 =` Unit Charge

The S.I. unit of electric potential is volt.

`\text{1 volt} = \frac {\text{1 Joule (J)}}{\text{1 Coulomb (C)}}`

    The electric potential at a point is 1 volt when the work done in bringing a 1 Coulomb charge from infinity to that point is 1 Joule.

Dimensional Formula of electric potential

`\text{Electric Potential} = \frac{\text{Work done}}{\text{Unit Charge}}`

`V = \frac{W}{q_0}`

`V = \frac{F S}{q_0}`        `(\because W = F S)`

`V = \frac{[M^1L^1T^{-2}][L^1]}{[T^1A^1]}`

`V = \frac{[M^1L^2T^{-2}]}{[T^1A^1]}`

`V = [M^1L^2T^{-3}A^{-1}]`

Question: Derive an expression for potential due to charged spherical shell at following points (i) outer, (ii) at surface,(iii) inner point and also draw the graph for the variation of potential with the distance.

Electric Potential due to Charged Spherical Shell

    Consider a spherical shell of radius R is to be charged by charge of q. We have to calculate electric potential inside, at it's surface and outside the surface. Let the test point is at a distance of r from the center of the sphere.

Electric Potential due to Charged Spherical Shell
Electric Potential due to Charged Spherical Shell

At a point outside the spherical shell (r > R)

We know that electric potential

`V = - \int_{\infty}^r \vec E.d\vec r`

`V = - \int_{\infty}^r \frac{K q}{r^2}\hat r.d\vec r`    `(\because \vec E = \frac{K q}{r^2}\hat r)`

`V = - \int_{\infty}^r \frac{K q}{r^2}dr`        `(\because \hatr.d\vec r = dr)`

`V = - K q \int_{infty}^r \frac{1}{r^2} dr`

`V = - K q \int_{infty}^r r^{-2} dr`

`V = - K q [\frac{r^{- 2 + 1}}{- 2 + 1}]_{infty}^r`

`V = - K q [\frac{r^{-1}}{-1}]_{infty}^r`

`V = + K q [r^{-1}]_{infty}^r`

`V = + K q [\frac{1}{r}]_{infty}^r`

`V = + K q [\frac{1}{r} - \frac{1}{\infty}]`

`V =  K q [\frac{1}{r} - 0]`        `(\because \frac{1}{\infgy} = 0)`

`V =  K q [\frac{1}{r}]`

`V_{out} =  \frac{K q}{r}`


K = Coulomb Constant

`K = 9 \times 10^9 \frac{N m^2}{C^2}`

`K = \frac{1}{4 \pi \epsilon_0}`

q = Charge

    So, we can say the electric potential is inversely proportional to the distance r from the center and it is zero at infinity.

At a point on the surface of spherical shell (r = R)

    Electric potential on the surface of spherical shell is

`V = - \int_{\infty}^R \vec E.d\vec r`        `(\because r = R)` for surface.

So, we can find 

`V_{\text{Surface}} =  \frac{K q}{R}`

At a point inside the spherical shell (r < R)

    For a point inside the spherical shell, the total work done can be divided in two part

`W = W_{\text{From infinity to R}} + W_{\text{R to r}}`

`V = V_{\text{From infinity to R}} + V_{\text{R to r}}`


`V = - \int_{\infty}^r \vec E.d\vec r`

`V = - \int_{\infty}^R \vec E.d\vec r - \int_R^r \vec E_{\text{in}}.d\vec r`

`V = \frac{K q}{R} - \int_R^r \vec 0.d\vec r`

`V = \frac{K q}{R} + 0`

`V_{\text{in}} = \frac{K q}{R}`

Thus, the electric potential inside the spherical shell is equal to that on the surface. This value is the maximum value for potential produced in a spherical shell.

Change in Potential with distance in a charged spherical shell

MCQs with Answer

1. Q: What is the SI unit of electric current?
   a) Ampere (A)
   b) Volt (V)
   c) Ohm (Ω)
   d) Watt (W)
   Answer: a) Ampere (A)

2. Q: What is the SI unit of resistance?
   a) Ampere (A)
   b) Volt (V)
   c) Ohm (Ω)
   d) Watt (W)
   Answer: c) Ohm (Ω)

3. Q: Which of the following materials has the highest conductivity?
   a) Rubber
   b) Glass
   c) Copper
   d) Plastic
   Answer: c) Copper

4. Q: What happens to the resistance of a conductor when its length is doubled, keeping the cross-sectional area constant?
   a) It doubles
   b) It halves
   c) It quadruples
   d) It remains the same
   Answer: a) It doubles

5. Q: What is the power dissipated in a circuit with a current of 3A and a voltage of 12V?
   a) 4 W
   b) 9 W
   c) 12 W
   d) 36 W
   Answer: d) 36 W

6. Q: What is the relationship between current, voltage, and resistance in a circuit?
   a) Ohm's law
   b) Faraday's law
   c) Gauss's law
   d) Coulomb's law
   Answer: a) Ohm's law

7. Q: Which of the following is an example of a non-ohmic conductor?
    a) Copper wire
    b) Resistor
    c) Diode
    d) None of above
    Answer: c) Diode

8. Q: Electrostatic potential is defined as:
   a) The amount of charge at a specific point
   b) The amount of work required to move a charge between two points
   c) The force experienced by a charge in an electric field
   d) The rate of change of charge with respect to time
   A: b) The amount of work required to move a charge between two points

9. Q: What is the SI unit of electrostatic potential?
   a) Coulomb (C)
   b) Ampere (A)
   c) Volt (V)
   d) Ohm (Ω)
   A: c) Volt (V)

10. Q: The electrostatic potential at a point is directly proportional to:
   a) The distance from the charge
   b) The square of the distance from the charge
   c) The inverse of the distance from the charge
   d) The cube of the distance from the charge
   A: c) The inverse of the distance from the charge

11. Q: An equipotential surface is defined as a surface:
   a) With a constant electric field
   b) Where the electric potential is zero
   c) Where the electric potential is the highest
   d) Where all points have the same electrostatic potential
   A: d) Where all points have the same electrostatic potential

12. Q: The potential difference between two points is defined as:
   a) The sum of the charges at the two points
   b) The difference in electric field strength at the two points
   c) The work done in moving a charge between the two points
   d) The ratio of the distances from the charge at the two points
   A: c) The work done in moving a charge between the two points

13. Q: If the electrostatic potential at a point is negative, it means:
   a) The electric field is zero at that point
   b) The charge at that point is negative
   c) Work has been done by an external force to bring a charge to that point
   d) The point is at infinite distance from any charge
   A: c) Work has been done by an external force to bring a charge to that point

14. Q: Electrostatic potential is a scalar quantity because:
    a) It has magnitude and direction
    b) It can be positive or negative
    c) It can be added algebraically
    d) It follows the laws of vector addition
    A: c) It can be added algebraically



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