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Friday 2 June 2023

Electric Field due to Linear Charge Distribution

Gauss's law

   The total electric flux passing through a closed surface kept in an electric field in vacuum or air is equal to the product of the net charge `\Sigma q` inside the volume of the closed surface and `\frac{1}{\epsilon_0}`

Thus, the total flux

`\phi = \frac{\Sigma q}{\epsilon_0}`        ......eq.(1)


`\Sigma q ` is the algebraic sum of charges that exist inside the surface.

`\epsilon_0` is a permittivity of vacuum

We know that

`\frac{1}{4 \pi \epsilon_0} = K`

`\frac{1}{ \epsilon_0} = 4 \pi K`

then from Equation 1

`\phi = \frac{1}{\epsilon_0}\times \Sigma q`

`\phi = 4 \pi K \times \Sigma q`

    The total electric flux passing through a closed surface kept in an electric field in a vacuum or air is equal to the product of the net charge `\Sigma q` inside the volume of the closed surface and `\phi = 4 \pi K`.

Intensity of Electric Field due to Infinite Linear Charge

    Let there be a line charge of infinite length extending from + infinity to – infinity. We have to find the intensity of electric field at a point P at a distance r perpendicular to it. To find the intensity of the electric field at point P, imagine a cylindrical surface passing through the point P. It is called a Gaussian surface.

Electric Field due to Linear Charge Distribution
Electric Field due to Linear Charge Distribution

    The Gaussian surface is divided into an upper circular surface `S_1`, a lower circular surface `S_2`, and a curved surface `S_3`.

This Gaussian surface may be divided into three parts -

1.    Upper circular surface `S_1`

2.    Lower circular surface `S_2`

3.    Curved Surface `S_3`

    Total outgoing flux from all three surfaces (or we can say from the Gaussian surface).

`\phi_E = \oint_s \vec E.d\vec A = \frac{\Sigma q}{\epsilon_0}`

`\oint_s \vec E.d\vec A = \frac{\Sigma q}{\epsilon_0}`

`\int_{s_1} \vec E.d\vec A + \int_{s_2}\vecE.d\vecA + \int_{s_3}\vecE.d\vecA = \frac{\Sigma q}{\epsilon_0}`

`\int_{s_1} E  dA  cos 0^\circ+ \int_{s_2} E  dA  cos 90^\circ + \int_{s_3} E  dA  cos 90^\circ = \frac{\lamda l}{\epsilon_0}`        `(\Sigma q = \lamda l)`

`\int_{s_1} E  dA  (1)+ \int_{s_2} E  dA  (0) + \int_{s_3} E  dA  (0) = \frac{\lamda l}{\epsilon_0}`

`\int_{s_1} E  dA (1)+ 0 + 0 = \frac{\lamda l}{\epsilon_0}`

`E  \int_{s_1}  dA + 0 + 0 = \frac{\lamda l}{\epsilon_0}`

`E  \int_{s_1}  dA  = \frac{\lamda l}{\epsilon_0}`

`E  2 \pi r l  = \frac{\lamda l}{\epsilon_0}`        `(\because \int_{s_1} = 2 \pi r l)`

`E  2 \pi r   = \frac{\lamda }{\epsilon_0}`

`E  = \frac{\lamda }{2 \pi \epsilon_0 r}`

`E  = \frac{2 \lamda }{4 \pi \epsilon_0 r}`

`E  = \frac{2 K \lamda }{r}`        `(\because K = \frac{1}{4 \pi \epsilon_0})`

In vector form

`\vec E = \frac {2 K \lamda}{r} \hat r`

`\vec E = \frac{1}{4 \pi \epsilon_0}\frac {2 \lamda}{r} \hat r`

    Where `\hat r` is unit vector in the direction of OP and perpendicular to line charge.

Relation between E and r 

`E \prop \frac{1}{r}`

Electric Field due to Linear Charge Distribution
Electric Field due to Linear Charge Distribution

Electrostatics Class 12 Chapter 1 Detailed Notes

MCQs on Electric field due to Linear Charge Distribution

1. Gauss's law relates the total electric flux passing through a closed surface to which of the following quantities?

   A) Electric potential

   B) Electric field strength

   C) Net charge inside the surface

   D) Permittivity of vacuum

2. What is the relationship between the permittivity of vacuum `\epsilon_0` and the constant K?

   A) `\epsilon_0 = K`

   B) `K = 4\pi \epsilon_0`

   C) `\epsilon_0 = \frac{1}{4\pi K}`

   D) `K = \frac{1}{\epsilon_0}`

3. The Gaussian surface used to calculate the electric field due to an infinite linear charge has three parts. Which of the following is NOT one of those parts?

   A) Upper circular surface

   B) Lower circular surface

   C) Curved surface

   D) Spherical surface

4. The total outgoing flux from the Gaussian surface is equal to which of the following quantities?

   A) Electric field strength

   B) Electric potential

   C) Net charge inside the surface

   D) Permittivity of vacuum

5. What is the angle between the electric field vector and the area vector for the upper circular surface of the Gaussian surface?

   A) 0 degrees

   B) 45 degrees

   C) 90 degrees

   D) 180 degrees

6. What is the angle between the electric field vector and the area vector for the lower circular surface of the Gaussian surface?

   A) 0 degrees

   B) 45 degrees

   C) 90 degrees

   D) 180 degrees

7. What is the angle between the electric field vector and the area vector for the curved surface of the Gaussian surface?

   A) 0 degrees

   B) 45 degrees

   C) 90 degrees

   D) 180 degrees

8. The expression for the electric field `\vec{E}` due to an infinite linear charge and charge density `\lambda` at a distance r is given by:

   A) `\vec{E} = \frac{\lambda}{4\pi \epsilon_0 r}\hat r`

   B) `\vec{E} = \frac{\lambda}{2\pi \epsilon_0 r}\hat r`

   C) `\vec{E} = \frac{2\lambda}{4\pi \epsilon_0 r}\hat r`

   D) `\vec{E} = \frac{2\lambda}{r}\hat r`

9. The unit vector `\hat{r}` in the expression for the electric field represents:

    A) The direction of electric potential

    B) The direction of net charge

    C) The direction of the electric field

    D) The direction perpendicular to the line charge

10. What is the relationship between the electric field strength `\vec{E}` and the distance r from the line charge?

    A) `\vec{E} \propto r`

    B) `\vec{E} \propto \frac{1}{r}`

    C) `\vec{E} \propto r^2`

    D) `\vec{E} \propto \frac{1}{r^2}`

11. The value of the constant K in the expression for the electric field is equal to:

    A) `\frac{1}{4\pi \epsilon_0}`

    B) `\frac{1}{2\pi \epsilon_0}`

    C) `4\pi \epsilon_0`

    D) `2\pi \epsilon_0`

12. Gauss's law is applicable to which type of surfaces?

    A) Open surfaces

    B) Closed surfaces

    C) Planar surfaces

    D) Spherical surfaces

13. The total electric flux passing through a closed surface is equal to the product of the net charge inside the volume of the closed surface and:

    A) `4\pi K`

    B) `\epsilon_0`

    C) Electric field strength

    D) Permeability of vacuum


1. C) Net charge inside the surface

2. B) `K = 4\pi \epsilon_0`

3. D) Spherical surface

4. C) Net charge inside the surface

5. C) 90 degrees

6. C) 90 degrees

7. A) 0 degrees

8. C) `\vec{E} = \frac{ 2\lambda}{4\pi \epsilon_0 r}`

9. D) The direction perpendicular to the line charge

10. B) `\vec{E} \propto \frac{1}{r}`

11. A) `\frac{1}{4\pi \epsilon_0}`

12. B) Closed surfaces

13. A) `4\pi K`


1. What is Gauss's law?
Answer: Gauss's law states that the total electric flux passing through a closed surface in an electric field is equal to the product of the net charge inside the surface `(\Sigma q)` and the `\frac{1}{\epsilon_0}`. Where `\epsilon_0` permittivity of vacuum or air.

2. How is the total electric flux `\phi` related to the net charge `\Sigma q` and permittivity `\epsilon_0`?
Answer: The total electric flux `\phi` is equal to the product of the net charge `\Sigma q` inside the closed surface and the inverse of the permittivity of vacuum or air `\epsilon_0`.

3. What is the equation for the total electric flux `\phi` according to Gauss's law?
Answer: The equation for the total electric flux `\phi` is given by `\phi = \frac{\Sigma q}{\epsilon_0}`.

4. What is the relation between the permittivity of vacuum `\epsilon_0` and the constant (K)?
Answer: The relation is `\frac{1}{\epsilon_0} = 4 \pi K`.

5. How can the intensity of the electric field due to an infinite linear charge be determined?
Answer: The intensity of the electric field at a point can be found by considering a Gaussian surface and calculating the total outgoing flux from the surface.

6. What is the equation for the total electric flux `\phi_E` from the Gaussian surface?
Answer: The equation is `\phi_E = \oint_s \vec E \cdot d\vec A = \frac{\Sigma q}{\epsilon_0}`.

7. What is the expression for the electric field (E) due to an infinite linear charge?
Answer: The expression is `E = \frac{2 K \lambda}{r}`, where `\lambda` is the linear charge density and r is the distance from the charge.

8. How is the electric field (E) related to the distance (r) from the linear charge?
Answer: The electric field (E) is inversely proportional to the distance (r) from the linear charge. `E \prop \frac{1}{r}`.

9. How can the electric field (E) be expressed in vector form?
Answer: The electric field (E) can be expressed as `\vec E = \frac{1}{4 \pi \epsilon_0}\frac{2 \lambda}{r} \hat r`, where `\hat r` is the unit vector in the direction of OP and perpendicular to the line charge.

Numerical Questions with Answers

1. A closed surface contains a net charge of 5 μC. If the permittivity of vacuum is ε₀ = 8.85 × 10⁻¹² C²/Nm², what is the total electric flux passing through the surface? (Answer: 4.425 × 10⁻¹¹ Nm²/C)

2. A Gaussian surface is placed around an infinite line charge with a linear charge density of 2 μC/m. If the distance from the line charge to the Gaussian surface is 0.5 m, what is the intensity of the electric field at that point? (Answer: 22.56 N/C)

3. Consider a Gaussian surface enclosing a closed cylinder with a net charge of 4 nC. If the surface area of the upper circular surface is 0.1 m² and the electric field is perpendicular to it, what is the electric flux passing through that surface? (Answer: 0.4 Nm²/C)

4. An electric field has an intensity of 100 N/C at a distance of 2 m from a point charge. What is the charge of the point charge? (Answer: 0.5 C)

5. A closed surface contains a net charge of -2 μC. If the permittivity of vacuum is ε₀ = 8.85 × 10⁻¹² C²/Nm², what is the total electric flux passing through the surface? (Answer: -1.77 × 10⁻¹¹ Nm²/C)

6. A Gaussian surface is placed around an infinite line charge with a linear charge density of -3 μC/m. If the distance from the line charge to the Gaussian surface is 1 m, what is the intensity of the electric field at that point? (Answer: -8.97 N/C)

7. Consider a Gaussian surface enclosing a closed cylinder with a net charge of -5 nC. If the surface area of the lower circular surface is 0.2 m² and the electric field is perpendicular to it, what is the electric flux passing through that surface? (Answer: -1 Nm²/C)

8. An electric field has an intensity of -50 N/C at a distance of 3 m from a point charge. What is the charge of the point charge? (Answer: -0.3 C)

9. A closed surface contains zero net charge. What is the total electric flux passing through the surface? (Answer: 0 Nm²/C)

10. A Gaussian surface is placed around an infinite line charge with a linear charge density of 0 μC/m. If the distance from the line charge to the Gaussian surface is 2 m, what is the intensity of the electric field at that point? (Answer: 0 N/C)

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