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Monday 26 June 2023

Thin Lens Formula Derivation Class 12

    Lens formula shows the relationship between object distance u, image distance v and focal length f. This formula is suitable for both convex and concave lenses. lens Formula is 1/u + 1/v = 1/f .

Lens Formula, Derivation, Magnification, Power of Lenses

Lens Formula    

    Lens formula shows the relationship between object distance, image distance and focal length. This formula is suitable for both convex and concave lenses. lens Formula is 1/u + 1/v = 1/f .

    The Lens formula can be used to calculate the distance between the image and the lens.

1/u + 1/v = 1/f.


v = Distance of the image from the lens.

u = Distance of an object from the lens.

f = Focal length of given lens.

    The lens formula applies to all situations. If the equation results in negative image distance, then the image is virtual. If the equation shows a negative focal length then the lens is a diverging lens.

    A lens is a transparent substance that causes refraction. A lens can focus light rays at a point or disperse light rays.

    Lenses that disperse light rays are called diverging lenses and lenses that focus light rays at a single point are called converging lenses.

Lenses Definition


   A uniform transparent medium bounded by two curved surfaces or by a curved surface and a flat surface. It is called lens.

    Curved surfaces can be spherical, cylindrical and parabolic. But most of the curved surfaces are spherical.

    Then the transparent medium falling from the two spherical surfaces is called a lens.

lens type

There are two types of lenses.

1. convex lens

2. concave lens

1. Convex Lens

    Those lenses which are thick in the middle and thin at the edges are called convex lenses. Convex lens converges light rays at a point, due to which it is also called converging lens. Convex lenses are used to correct farsightedness.

2. Concave Lens

    Those lenses which are thinner in the middle and thicker at the edges are called concave lenses. Concave lens diverges the light rays due to which it is called diverging lens. Concave lens is used for the correction of myopia.

Types of Convex Lens

Convex lens is divided into three parts.

1. Biconvex or double convex lens

2. Plano convex lens

3. Positive Meniscus

1. Bi-convex or bi-convex lens – The lens whose both surfaces are convex. So this type of lens is called biconvex or double convex lens.

2. Plano convex lens - A lens whose one surface is plane and the other surface is convex, then this type of lens is called a plano-convex lens. The definition is clear from the name itself.

3. Positive Meniscus – The lens whose one surface is concave and the other surface is convex. Or the lens whose one surface is depressed and the other surface is convex, then this type of lens is called a concave lens. These surfaces have different radii of curvature.

Type of concave lens

Concave lens is also divided into three parts.

1. Biconcave or bi-concave lens

2. Plano-concave lens

3. Negative Meniscus

1. Bi-concave or bi-concave lens – The lens whose both sides are concave. Or both the surfaces are concave. So this type of lens is called biconcave or bi-concave lens.

2. Plano-concave lens - A lens whose one surface is plane and the other surface is concave, then this type of lens is called a plano-concave lens.

3. Negative Meniscus – The lens whose one surface is convex and the other surface is concave. Or whose one surface is convex and the other surface is depressed, then this type of lens is called a concave lens. These surfaces have different radii of curvature.

Diverging and Converging lens


   Convex lens collects the rays of light at a point, due to which convex lens is called converging lens.

    And on the contrary, concave lens spreads the rays of light more, due to which concave lens is called diverging lens.

Lenses Definition

Optical center – If the incident ray and the emergent ray of the lens are parallel to each other, then the point at which the refracted ray intersects the principal axis of the lens is called the optical center of the lens.

First focus – The point located on the principal axis of the lens from where the light rays after refraction become parallel to the principal axis is called the first focus of the lens, here is a convex lens.

Derivation of Lens Formula    


       when an object PQ is held perpendicular to the principal axis at a distance beyond the focal length of the lens then a real, inverted and magnified image P'Q' is formed.

Lens formula Derivation
Lens formula Derivation

In triangle OPQ and OP'Q'

`\frac{P'Q'}{PQ} = \frac{OQ'}{OQ}`

`\frac{P'Q'}{PQ} = \frac{v}{- u}`    ...(eq.1)

In triangle OMF and P'Q'F

`\frac{P'Q'}{OM} = \frac{FQ'}{OF}`

`\frac{P'Q'}{OM} = \frac{OQ' - OF}{OF}`

`\frac{P'Q'}{PQ} = \frac{v-f}{f}`     ....(eq.2)

by equation 1 and 2

`\frac{v}{- u} = \frac{v-f}{f}`

`v f = - u (v - f)`

`v f = - u v + uf`

devide by uvf

`\frac{v f}{uvf} = - \frac{u v}{uvf} + \frac{uf}{uvf}`

`\frac{1}{u} = - \frac{1}{f} + \frac{1}{v}`

`\frac{1}{f} = \frac{1}{v} - \frac{1}{u}`

This is the lens formula.
u is object distance from lens,
v is image distance from lens and
f is focal length.


(1.)    The ratio of the height of an image (`h_i` ) to the height of an object (`h_o` ) is defined as the magnification of a lens.

(2)    Also, magnification is equal to the ratio of image distance to that of object distance. 

(3)    The formula is 

`m = \frac{h_i}{h_o} = \frac{v}{u}`.

Power of a Lens Formula


   The capacity of bending the rays by a lens is known as the power of the lens. In other words we can say more is the ability to bend the light rays greater is the power of the lens. Power of the lens can be defined as under :

    Power of lens can be defined as the derivation produced by the lens in the rays coming parallel to principal axis at unit distance from the principal axis.

    Suppose there is a convex lens, a light ray parallel to the principal is incident on it, which deviates from its original path and meets at the principal focus F, thus the incident light ray diverges, whose deviation is `\delta`. The focal length of the lens is f and principal focus is F.

Power of a Lens Formula
Power of a Lens Formula

If `\delta` is small then `tan\delta \approx \delta`


`\delta = \frac{h}{f}`

If h = 1m, then `\delta = P` (As per definition of the power of lens).

`P = \frac{1}{f}`

    Therefore the reciprocal of the focal length is known as the power of the lens.

    Thus the unit of the power of lens is Dioptre and it is denoted by D.

    The power of lens is a dimensionless physical quantity.

    The power of a convex lens take as positive and for a concave lens take as negative.

What is the unit of power of lens?

S I unit of power of lens 

    What is the SI unit for the power of a lens? Dioptre is the SI unit for calculating the power of a lens and it is denoted by D.

Define the aperture of the lens.

    The area of the lens ideal for refraction is known as the aperture. The aperture of the lens is the effective diameter of its light-transmitting area.

Questions for Practice

(1)What are the types of lenses?
(2)What is a convex lens?
(3)Which device uses a concave lens?
(4)What is the lens formula?
(5)Define lens.

Lens Formula Question  1

    Which of the following is also known as a diverging lens?

(1) Convex lens

(2) Concave lens

(3) Plane mirror

(4) Bipolar lens


(1) Convex lens

Lens Formula Question  2

    What does v represent in the lens formula?

(1) Distance of the object from the lens.

(2) The focal length of the lens.

(3) Distance of the image from the lens.

(4) None of the options.


(3) Distance of the image from the lens.

Lens Formula Question  3

    Lens formula is given by -

(1) `\frac{1}{f} = \frac{1}{v} \times \frac{1}{u}`

(2) `\frac{1}{f} = \frac{1}{v} + \frac{1}{u}`

(3) `\frac{1}{f} = \frac{1}{v} - \frac{1}{u}`

(4) `2f = \frac{1}{v} - \frac{1}{u}`


(3) `\frac{1}{f} = \frac{1}{v} - \frac{1}{u}`

Lens Formula Question  4

    Lens formula relates to -

(1) Focal length

(2) Image distance

(3) Object distance

(4) All the above options


(4) All the above options

Lens Formula Question  5

    The point on the principal axis at the centre of the lens is called -

(1) Optical Centre

(2) Principal axis

(3) Aperture

(4) Focus


(1) Optical Centre

Lens Formula Question  6

    Which lens is used in compound microscopes?

(1) Convex lens

(2) Concave lens

(3) Mirror

(4) Both concave and convex lenses


(1) Convex lens

    A compound microscope uses multiple lenses to magnify an image for an observer. It is made of two convex lenses .The first, the ocular lens, is close to the eye and the other lens is objective lens. Both the lenses are of different focal length because uses of both are different. Hence correct option is (1) Convex lens.

Lens Formula Question  7

    The power of the lens is the reciprocal of its -

(1) Optical Centre

(2) focal length

(3) Principal axis

(4) Aperture


(2) focal length

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